Couple and Addiction Recovery Counselling
Susie is trained in the Gottman Institute’s couple and addiction recovery method, for couples who are healing from substance and/or behavioural addiction. The Couple Recovery Development Approach incorporates research by Dr Robert Navarra with Dr John Gottman’s Sound Relationship House model. In contrast to many recovery processes, it provides a relational approach that encompasses each partner’s individual recovery along with the relationship recovery.
Thoroughly grounded in John Gottman’s Sound Relationship House framework, couples work on interventions which help them develop their “couple recovery” by increasing communication and understanding, establishing boundaries, and healing from the impact of addiction and recovery.
For some couples, the non-addicted partner may not identify with the term “being in recovery”, but in fact, both partners and the relationship have been affected by the substance use or compulsive behavioural disorder, and by the often-arduous process of recovery.
It is important for both partners to share and understand, not only the impact of the addiction but also the impact of the change to wellness, on each other and on the relationship. They also need to acknowledge and address individual and relationship needs as they go forward to a more positive phase.
There are three important directions for change:
- Couples include relationship recovery as part of the process. Unresolved relationship issues are in the open and worked on.
- Generational patterns are reworked. Denial about significant family of origin issues is broken down and couples more effectively incorporate reality into daily functioning.
- Couples attend to both the relationship and their own needs and find these are not mutually exclusive as so often in active addiction. Interdependency, or the ability to integrate both relationship and individual needs, replaces confused boundaries and the inability to express thoughts, feelings and needs.

Free 15 Minute Consultation
Contact Susie to book your free consultation. Susie will explain the service and get a better understanding of your situation to provide professional advice.